
Broadland High Ormiston Academy prides itself on being a caring environment. Students are welcomed and made to feel safe. All students are viewed as individuals and a culture of vigilance allows us to protect the well-being of all members of the community. The students at Broadland High Ormiston Academy look after one another and know who to talk to if concerned.

Staff are trained to think,‘it could happen here’ and staff report all concerns, no matter how small. Guidance and education on how students can keep themselves safe is provided through Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) and the Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural agenda delivered through the wider curriculum, the form period and weekly assemblies. We follow the government guidance “Working together to safeguard children” and “Keeping children safe in education“. The academy safeguarding policy is available with other policies here.

Students are given guidance and support on how to stay safe using technologies in their Computing lessons. This includes being made aware of what cyberbullying is, where to go for support, and how to manage their online reputation. Students are also taught about the dangers and risks of using technologies, and how to make sure their privacy settings are enabled.

For parents, a number of bookets and leaflets are available below: a social media safeguarding booklet fomr the police, a guide on sexting and a guide for any parents worried about gangs.

If you are concerned about cyberbullying, please visit the CEOP page, or Thinkuknow.

Useful information on online safety for students, parents and staff can be found below.