Careers Guidance

As students move through the school they follow a programme of careers information, advice and guidance which helps them to understand the different options open to them, and also to understand where their own interests and skills lie. This is delivered through assemblies, PSHE lessons and tutor time. (You can download the tutor time programme below). There are regular presentations from employers and colleges to help students understand the wealth of opportunities available. Taken together with work experience, individual guidance, access to careers fairs and other contact with employers and colleges, this programme allows us to meet the requirements of the Gatsby Benchmarks. We were delighted to be assessed as successfully working towards the Career Mark quality standard in July 2021 and reaccredited in July 2023.

Students have access to our Careers Dashboard via the Access IT website. This dashboard provides a wide range of links to useful information. The main source of information we use online is Unifrog. This is also the site students in Y10 use to organise their work placements.

Year 9 students make their options choices in the spring term. As part of this process, all students discuss their future plans with a member of the senior leadership team, and students who need to can also access a full careers interview with a qualified adviser. The options micro-site, with videos about the process and each subject, is available here.

Year 10 students participate in a large careers fair and undertake work experience in the summer term, before being supported in making their post-16 applications in the autumn of Year 11.

Students learn about the local labour market, including the sectors and jobs most in-demand in our area. You can discover more by watching this short YouTube video.

HelpYouChoose is a dedicated careers, college and apprenticeship website which has been developed by Norfolk County Council to provide our students with a range of information to help them make their post-16 choices.  It is a “one stop shop” which allows pupils to access information about all the courses offered in Norfolk by college and subject area.  The apprenticeship vacancies are updated every day and include job descriptions and role profiles which highlight the training, experience and skills young people will gain in employment.

All our year 11 students have a personal login which enables them to use the site to make their college and apprenticeship applications.

The site can also be used by students in Years 8 and 9 as a research tool to inform their option choices.

HelpYouChoose now offers a “parents section” which can be accessed at the top of their homepage.  A wide range of topics is covered including general advice about supporting your child to make the right choices, travel and transport and the financial help which might be available to you as your child carries on with their education.

For parents and students, the site has plenty of videos offering practical advice about preparing C.V.s / college and apprenticeship applications, planning for interviews and so on.

We judge the success of our careers programme by the wide variety of pathways our students choose when they leave Broadland. You can find information about our leavers’ destinations in the Activity Survey document below.

If you would like more information, or would like to arrange a careers interview, Mr Laycock has oversight of careers guidance across the academy but in the first instance please contact Mrs Roll our careers leader via email or on the main office phone number (01603 782715), or visit

Our Provider Access Policy can be found below.

Information for Employers

At Broadland High Ormiston Academy we are busy growing your employees of the future.  We need your help to raise their career aspirations, develop their employability skills and learn more about the exciting industries available in Norfolk.

Being part of our employer network will make a huge difference to our students and will provide you with the satisfaction of knowing that you have been part of one of the most important decisions that our students will need to make. Having employers like you helping to inspire young minds and challenging stereotypes and busting some myths around work, is what our careers programme is based on as set out by The Gatsby Foundation 8 Benchmarks of Good Practice  and The CDI Framework For careers.

Broadland has the added benefit of working alongside The New Anglia Enterprise Advisor Network. Our enterprise coordinator works with local businesses to ensure we match employers to the needs of the school and our students.

At Broadland, we have opportunities to invite you to our popular Business Lunch Club employer and apprenticeships talks, lead a hands-on workshop, host a workplace visit or welcome a Year 10 student for a week-long work experience placement.

We are extremely proud this year, that over 100 of our year 10 students will be experiencing the world of work for a week in July. This would not be possible without the support of local employers like you giving up their valuable time to support our students and raise their aspirations.

More and more of our students are leaving Broadland to start an apprenticeship inspired by visits to local employers and support from Apprenticeships New Anglia to ensure they are apprenticeship ready.

If you would like to become involved in giving our wonderful students some labour market information, offering a workplace visit or a short work experience placement, or sharing information about your apprenticeships vacancies, we would love to hear from you.

The information on this page will be reviewed in July 2024.